Increasing access

Increasing access

We are proud to say we are making good headway in the development of our wheelchair accessible  carriage. This is a product we are very passionate about and a lot of work has gone into the research.
From contacting multiple wheelchair suppliers to obtain the most popular size and weight issued, to contacting various railways to discover what would work on their line, and everything in between.
Research, design, engineering skill and scientific factors have all played a large part in the     development of this product. Where necessary changes have been made throughout.
We are aware this carriage wont suit all powered wheelchairs, but we do know that it will provide a product for many miniature railways to use and allow more access to their passengers.
Our wheelchair accessible carriage is narrower than those already on the market, -a key reason why many places can’t use those already available was the width. It also features a rotating turntable, bringing significant ease for the wheelchair user to board.
Once our prototype is complete it will be taken to a miniature railway for a tow test –to check its stability and frame flexibility. As with all products we design and manufacture, they undergo vigorous safety testing and risk assessments prior to being launched.